SwiftUI vs UIKit

SwiftUI and UIKit with storyboards and Auto Layout are two different approaches to building user interfaces in iOS apps. Here’s a comparison between them:

1. Declarative vs Imperative UI Design

  • SwiftUI: Uses a declarative syntax. You declare what the UI should look like and the system figures out how to render it. For example, you describe a button, text, or image, and SwiftUI automatically handles the layout and updates.
  • UIKit (with Storyboards and Auto Layout): Uses an imperative approach. You describe step-by-step how to build and manipulate the UI, including setting constraints and properties directly.

2. Code vs Visual Editor

  • SwiftUI: UI is written directly in code using a simple syntax. There’s also a live preview window in Xcode that shows changes in real time as you code.
  • UIKit (Storyboards): UI can be designed visually using a drag-and-drop interface in Xcode’s Interface Builder, or programmatically in code. Auto Layout is used to set constraints for elements to adapt to different screen sizes.

3. Live Preview

  • SwiftUI: Provides a live preview in Xcode so you can see how your UI looks and behaves as you write code, making it easier to iterate and test different designs.
  • UIKit: Does not have a live preview in the same way. You need to build and run the app on a simulator or device to see changes.

4. State Management

  • SwiftUI: Has built-in state management using @State, @Binding, @ObservedObject, and other property wrappers, allowing the UI to automatically update when data changes.
  • UIKit: You need to manually update the UI when data changes, using delegation patterns, notifications, or bindings with NSNotificationCenter or other mechanisms.

5. Animation

  • SwiftUI: Animations are simpler and more intuitive. Animating views often requires just a single .animation() modifier.
  • UIKit: Animation requires more boilerplate code, using methods like UIView.animate and configuring the animations imperatively.

6. Cross-Platform Support

  • SwiftUI: It is designed for all Apple platforms (iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS). You can create views that work across platforms with minimal changes.
  • UIKit: It is iOS-centric (though AppKit is used for macOS and WatchKit for watchOS), so you’d need separate frameworks for other platforms.

7. Backward Compatibility

  • SwiftUI: Only available on iOS 13+ and corresponding versions of macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
  • UIKit: Has been around since iOS 2 and is compatible with all modern versions of iOS.

8. Learning Curve

  • SwiftUI: Has a steeper learning curve initially due to its declarative syntax and new paradigms, but once mastered, it simplifies UI development.
  • UIKit: Easier for developers familiar with traditional programming models and has a rich set of APIs with many examples.

9. Layout Handling

  • SwiftUI: Handles layout automatically using stacks (VStack, HStack, ZStack) and modifiers. You don’t have to deal with constraints directly.
  • UIKit (Auto Layout): Requires manual setup of constraints, either using Interface Builder or programmatically, to ensure layouts work across screen sizes.


  • SwiftUI focuses on simplicity and a declarative approach, making it faster to develop and maintain UIs, especially with dynamic data and cross-platform compatibility.
  • UIKit (with storyboards and Auto Layout) provides more control and flexibility, but requires more manual intervention and has a steeper maintenance overhead for complex layouts.

Each framework has its strengths, and the choice between them depends on the project’s requirements and the iOS versions you want to support.

At GammaPoint, all new code is focused on using SwiftUI, which aligns with the trend of modern declarative UI development. This ensures more maintainable, adaptive, and efficient code while leveraging the latest advancements in Apple’s UI frameworks.


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