Navigating the Evolution of iOS Development: From iOS 3.0 to SwiftUI

The world of iOS development has changed dramatically since its early days. Having been part of this journey from iOS 3.0 to the present, we’ve experienced firsthand the rapid evolution of tools, frameworks, and programming languages that shape today’s iOS applications. Our journey started with Objective-C, transitioned through Swift, and now fully embraces SwiftUI. This experience gives us a unique perspective on how to work with different technologies and bridge the gap between legacy code and modern tech stacks.

iOS 3.0 and the Rise of Objective-C

When we began our iOS development journey with iOS 3.0, Objective-C was the only choice for building apps. It was a language that required a deep understanding of manual memory management and a unique syntax. We mastered retain, release, and autorelease long before ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) made memory management easier.

Despite the challenges, Objective-C gave us the power to create some of the most innovative apps for the early iPhone era. We became adept at working with UIKit and Core Data, mastering the delegate pattern and building complex, interactive user interfaces without storyboards or SwiftUI’s declarative syntax. Back then, app development was more about pushing the limits of what could be done on a mobile device, and Objective-C was the tool we had to make that happen.

The Swift Revolution

The introduction of Swift in 2014 with iOS 8 was a game-changer. Swift brought a more modern, approachable, and safer language to the iOS ecosystem. Suddenly, we had type inference, optionals, and closures, which made code easier to read and write. Error handling became more robust, and writing unit tests became smoother.

Swift’s speed of adoption was rapid, but many projects still had significant amounts of Objective-C. Learning how to bridge the two languages was crucial. We integrated Swift into existing Objective-C codebases, leveraging the interoperability between the two languages. Over time, we refactored older Objective-C components into Swift, bringing modern features to legacy code without breaking the existing structure.

This duality of Swift and Objective-C in a single codebase provided invaluable experience in maintaining legacy systems while adopting new technology. We learned the art of refactoring—carefully evolving code without introducing bugs or regressions, always mindful of performance and backward compatibility.

SwiftUI: The Declarative Future

Then came SwiftUI, first introduced in 2019 with iOS 13. SwiftUI redefined how we think about building user interfaces, offering a declarative syntax that was a significant departure from the imperative approach of UIKit. No more boilerplate code for creating views or handling layout constraints—SwiftUI allowed us to focus on how the UI should look and behave, and the framework took care of the rest.

SwiftUI has brought simplicity and power to the table, but it hasn’t rendered UIKit obsolete. Many real-world projects today involve a hybrid approach, where SwiftUI works alongside UIKit, and often, alongside Objective-C legacy components. Knowing when to use each technology and how to make them work together is one of our core strengths.

For instance, we’ve found that transitioning an app’s core views to SwiftUI while leaving complex UIKit components (like custom gesture handling or advanced animations) untouched allows for a smoother migration path. This hybrid approach has allowed us to bring modernity to older apps without needing to rewrite everything from scratch.

Managing Legacy Code in a Modern Stack: The IAFF Procal App

One of the most challenging aspects of iOS development today is maintaining and updating legacy code. Many apps have a history spanning years, with codebases written in Objective-C and UIKit, and integrating new technologies like Swift and SwiftUI isn’t always straightforward.

A perfect example of this is the IAFF Procal app, a shift calendar for Firefighters, which we developed in 2012. It’s a comprehensive solution that has evolved with each phase of iOS development. The app uses a mix of Objective-C, Swift, and SwiftUI, making it a living example of how different technologies can coexist and complement each other.

The IAFF Procal app started with Objective-C at its core, and as Swift grew in popularity, it was carefully integrated into the existing codebase. Now, SwiftUI is being introduced to handle newer features, but without disrupting the stability of the existing Objective-C and UIKit components. It’s an ongoing process of modernizing while ensuring that the app continues to run smoothly.

With the right strategies—such as modularizing new features and maintaining clear boundaries between technologies—we’ve managed to keep the IAFF Procal app both current and reliable, without a complete rewrite.

Embracing the Full Technology Spectrum

As developers who have grown with the iOS ecosystem, we’ve learned to embrace the full spectrum of iOS development technologies. From the early days of Objective-C to the declarative beauty of SwiftUI, we understand the nuances of each technology and how they can be combined to build modern, maintainable apps. Our experience allows us to breathe new life into legacy codebases while adopting the latest frameworks, ensuring that our projects are both future-proof and rooted in the rich history of iOS development.

Our approach to iOS development recognizes the importance of legacy code while always keeping an eye on the future. Whether we’re refactoring an Objective-C project into Swift, or introducing SwiftUI to a UIKit-heavy app, we know how to balance the past and the present. This holistic understanding allows us to build apps that are both cutting-edge and sustainable.


The iOS development landscape has evolved dramatically since iOS 3.0, and we’ve been there every step of the way. From mastering Objective-C to embracing Swift and SwiftUI, we understand the nuances of each technology and how they can be combined to build modern, maintainable apps. Our experience with the IAFF Procal app, which uses a blend of all three technologies, showcases our ability to adapt legacy systems while embracing the future of iOS development.

In a world where technology is always evolving, our experience across generations of iOS development ensures that we can adapt, innovate, and deliver.


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